Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Independents and Undecided - Lack of Administration Transparency


Bryan Edward Hill said...

There's too much at stake right now to let this false division hand the country over to McCain / Palin.

We tried this we Bush. That's why we're in the state we're in now.

Tiffani Martin said...

Hey William, great job on the blog! Good article, by the way...

Ya know...
The workings of the McCain campaign is much like the function of a freight train. Instead of transporting cargo, each individual car delivers its own piece of feel-good “straight talk.” The trouble is: just as how freight is separated by individual cars on a train, the various pieces of content that Straight Talk Express wants us to accept, fails to correlate.

There is a serious lack of integrity and ethics within the McCain camp. The modus operandi there, appears to be- deny and sidestep EVERYTHING, regardless of whatever. Just keep smiling and waving to the crowd.