Monday, October 6, 2008

McCain's Poor Judgment Has Cost Americans Billions $


Tiffani Martin said...
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Tiffani Martin said...


Ahhhh....retro reels of the despicable and now desperate John McCain, during a truly loathsome and doubtful hour for cases to be made in favor of his integrity.

Exposure of John McCain's incredible lack of ethics and judgment, is of course, more than relevant to our current economic problems- which affects everyone, (including Independents and undecided voters).


Re-enter Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright into the campaign?

I believe that John McCain might even admit to himself, deep down, that it didn't have to end this way. In his own undoing, unfortunately...he brandished a knife, and now a gunfight is breaking out. Hmm...what gives?

He came, he tried, he is failing fast, and the lights are dimming. Better luck next time...